UNC Chapel Hill Studio Class
An extremely original player …
a formidable technique at
the service of his ideas.
— New York Times

Video excerpts: Leslie Adams Etude No. 11; Debussy Etude No. 11; Ginastera Sonata No. 1, 4th movement
UNC Etude Festival, UNC -CH | November 2014; Debussy Sesquicentennial Celebration, UNC – CH | November 2012; Ginastera Centennial Celebration, UNC – CH | October 2016
Dr. Otten is a musician/performer of unusual sophistication, directness, and instrumental virtuosity.
— Robert McDonald, The Juilliard School, NY
Before taking lessons from Dr. Otten, I was riddled with body pain when playing. Now I’m completely pain-free, and have a sustainable method to continue playing throughout the rest of my life.
— Thomas Davis, recently accepted into the New England Conservatory

Masterclass with UNC Student Ethan Chu
Sonata No. 3 – Ginastera
Dr. Otten is not only a world-class artist, but a phenomenal teacher. For the diligent student, there is no limit to what one can achieve under his guidance.
—Dr. Sam Gingher, Assistant Professor, East Carolina University